I remember well the allure of the crowd. Didn't matter what they stood behind, popularity, common interests, even God. There was a certain amount of comfort in knowing you belonged somewhere.
But somewhere in the crowd you lose a part of yourself. You either go along or you're left out. It doesn't take long to blend into the one of many.
There's a hope I have for my kids — that they will find "their" people, but also find themselves. That they will add their voices to a cause and believe in something and make a difference, but have the confidence to be who they are (and know that's okay).
It's a balance I'm still trying to figure out. In a culture where there's no "i" in team and conformity means you "fit in." Some days it's a battle to accept the path God is leading you on without looking back, without caring where anyone else is or what they are doing.
If I surrender myself to the crowd, because I want to feel like I matter, then I also surrender me — the quirks, the broken parts and all the special things that make me, well, me.
These days my heart betrays me — how easy I'm swayed by people and my desire to be loved and accepted. How much I long to be a part…of something. To have purpose and to be seen.
This is my journey. A challenge to step away from the crowd. To be okay walking my own path. Just me and God and whoever He brings in and out of my story.
I'm tasting the freedom and the blessings of this shift in focus. Daring to step out of the crowd is risky, but it's quieter here.
And in the quiet, I'm starting to hear His voice again.
Linking today with Lisa-Jo…

Hi Christy. You wrote a very insightful post--amazing thoughts to have logged in only 5 minutes, but, no doubt, you've thought about those issues before, especially since you have your two children. You have struck upon such an important point: balance. It's something I struggle with as well. And you obviously recognize the need your children have (& we all have) to fit in. Yet it really IS so vital to be able to stand apart, to be willing NOT to be part of the crowd, especially when it comes to hearing those "God nudges and heart whispers." I like that phrase so much! Nice job!
Vivi at Weekend Blessings.
Ah, that's the hardest walk for a Christian, isn't it?! Stepping away from the crowd and working on being just what God wants us to be--with no pretenses or excuses. May He continue to walk with you on your journey.
Oh, Christy, I really liked what you shared here. I could re-quote pretty much your entire post. I'm liking this prompt word today. Good thoughts here. Blessings to you.
Oh yes, this is beautiful. "If I surrender myself to the crowd, because I want to feel like I matter, then I also surrender me — the quirks, the broken parts and all the special things that make me, well, me." LOVE this! Have a blessed weekend.
I love your thoughts here, Christy! You are so dead on about the "allure" of the crowd. But then you find out that the crowd is noisy and pushy and you wonder why you wanted to be a part of it! Keep being you, beautiful, inspiring you! I for one am blessed by your honest pursuit of Christ.
This whole post spoke volumes to me. I relate. In so many ways, I relate. This stood out to me today; "These days my heart betrays me — how easy I'm swayed by people and my desire to be loved and accepted."
It feels like a never-ending battle for me some days. I pray that I have a permanent "shift in focus" on this very thing as well. Blessings to you!
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