I received my diploma and packed away the gown and the mortarboard with the tassel slung to the left awaiting the end of the next milestone — adolescents.
There are a lot of awesome Moms still wading through the baby years, juggling littles under the age of five. I see them pushing their way through Target, staving off tantrums, searching for some fresh air and a good deal. I forget sometimes I used to be one of them. Sigh…
I ran through the finish line tape on my way to public school double doors and then my mom identity went into hiding.
What I once used to define myself as a stay-at-home mom left every day for a classroom. The posts I read about young mothering aren't relevant to me anymore. Sure I can
So for the toddler mom graduates and the ones embarking on the journey through adolescents I see you. I am you.
The morning rush, the packing lunches, the arguments over clothes and how to fix their hair, and the friend drama and the sleep-over parties, the 30+ minutes of homework a night, evening activities and weekend sports, the car pool and the parent pick-up lines — wow, I'm right there with you.
And it's still hard, even without a cheerio stuck to your cheek and a toddler yanking at your leg. We are jugglers, keeping the house running. And by that I mean, everyone has clean clothes and the schedule is straight and the dinner is ready and they're wearing sneakers for gym day and their books for library and they remembered their map project and it's yellow shirt Friday and…
Each stage we forge through and understand a little better the path our own mommas trod. And we extend each other grace because we are all wearing different shoes or hats or whatever apparel suits you.
Moms of adolescents, I acknowledge you. You're still a great Mom, I believe needed more than ever!
And though your daytime may be void of kiddies I know you're working hard, behind the scenes, making sure your family has a safe place to come home to.
Cue the ticker tape! You're a rock star!
1 comment:
Christy - Thank you! This post made me smile. My youngest just turned 5, so I get it. Totally. Reading log due tomorrow, PE day, don't forget a peanut-free snack, etc . . . so right there.
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