Friday, August 30, 2013

Worship (a five minute friday)

My Five Minute Friday on: Worship

There is a place in the valley of Pennsylvania mountains where people stand and sing amongst the trees and raise, not just arms, but themselves.

A place where songs ride on the breeze and words penetrate.

Where man and creation bow down together.

To add myself to the overflow of beauty and thanks. Powerful.

There is another place, where water comes to the end of itself and sand takes over. Where the sky and the sun paint worship on its surface.

And I stand in awe of it. Breathtaking — God doesn't need an Instagram filter.

In its many forms it may also look —

like a heart overwhelmed, by what isn't deserved — grace.

And a bursting forth of thanks for a faithful, loving God. That He chose me and cherishes, even when I struggle with fears and doubt.

It's when my daughter dances free and innocent singing about "seeing for the first time" and I long to let go of myself like that and just…


Linking today with Lisa-Jo…
Five Minute Friday


Holly Campbell said...

Beautiful words and pictures, Christy! There are truly so many things and places God uses to give us opportunity to worship His amazing power and wonder and majesty. Thank you!

Sophia Season said...

Your pictures are awesome. How we all long to be free and innocent again, like your daughter is, naturally. That is how God wants us to be. Free to worship, love, and be one with Him. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


Unknown said...

I love this. <3 I think we had some of the same thoughts on Five Minute Friday today! :) We can worship anytime, any doesn't have to just take place in a building.

Gay Idle said...

Beautiful, worshipful post! Loved your words, " Where the sky and the sun paint worship on its surface." What a beautiful picture of praise to the 'even the rocks cry out' sort of picture.
Just stopping by from Five Minute Friday and so thankful that I did.
Gay Idle/CaptiveHeart

Unknown said...

So thankful for all of the encouragement! Holly, Sophia, Ashley, and Gay -- really appreciate you visiting me today!

Courtney said...

Oh wow, that picture of the sea and sky . . . breathtaking. Cause for worship, indeed.

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