Friday, June 14, 2013

Listening to Summer (a five minute friday)

My Five Minute Friday on: Listen

The fridge is humming and I hear water trickling into the freezer to make ice. I glance at the computer's clock and watch the time tick-tocking away and with each passing moment it draws near.

In about two hours this house will fill, stealing away the peace and quiet that dwells now.

I will miss it.

Swept away with the stillness will likely be my productivity and space to think, ponder, and write coherent sentences. And any semblance of me-time.

Upon my head will plop my full-time Mommy summer hat and a tug-of-war will ensue between fun and responsibility. The sound of silence replaced by laughter and arguing, creativity and boredom, swimming and sweating.

But it's all good. Very good.

I wouldn't trade this time — a gift to spend the summer with my kids. We'll jump into summer with full abandon, like cannonballing into a shimmery, turquoise pool.

It seems like a fair trade — empty to occupied, lonely to fulfilled.

So I write, two hours before the "big jump". Eeking out the last moments of quiet before the onslaught of summer.

And I actually cannot wait!

Linking today with Lisa-Jo…
Five Minute Friday


  1. Great post. BTW thanks for listening.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog today.

    Sounds like you're all ready to enjoy a summer listening to your kiddos! What a joy to be able to spend time with them, now before they're all grown up (and then too). :)

    Rachel @ Beranville

  3. Hi Christy,
    What a great attitude, and what a gift to be able to enjoy the time with your children. The beach in the photo is beautiful. Happy Friday, and thanks for leaving your URL so I could visit you :)

  4. Hi Christy, linking up from FMF. We got a week left until school is out (late due to a L O N G teachers' strike in Chicago) but I'm looking forward to slow mornings and long evenings. I blog at, but If you have time, I'd love for you to check out one of my other websites: Nice to meet you! I'm going to come back and read your story soon.

  5. By this time, summer has officially started for you! I hope that it is wonderfully FULL and joyful!

  6. Hi Christy! This is my first visit to your blog.

    Your writing on 'Listen' was so peaceful, I felt the peace through your words. My 'Listen' piece was much louder! LOL!

    I hope you dove into your summer in a great way!

    Happy to 'join' you :)

    Peace in Christ,


A heartfelt thank you for sharing your thoughts, encouragement, and feedback with me!