Friday, November 23, 2012

Surrounded By Thanks

My Five Minute Friday on: Thank You

Sun streaking through empty branches. Feet crunching through their leafy remains. If I stand here still enough I hear the gentle wind moving foliage -- brown and red and yellow -- across the woodsy floor. But the stillness is overwhelmed by laughter.

The sweetness of adventuring children, muddied shoes -- and bottoms. Slip sliding down the bank of my childhood, where rocks skip and plop and splash.

I am caught up in this current of abandon. Swept along, in shoes meant for sitting, not adventuring. For more then a moment I am reliving -- carefree, happy times. I am thankful for this place.

A "thank you" from my lips for this beautiful, peaceful moment -- the sound of water rushing and children playing and searching for the right rock.

As water ripples and my today collides with my yesterday and I am so very thankful. For the man building rock bridges and the boy and girl gifts and their smiles wide. For nephews splattered in mud and water. This legacy. This place. I am overwhelmed.
God knows me. He has filled my life with everything I need. Beauty and laughter and a family that gathers after months a part yet it feels like just yesterday we were together. And He surrounds me with all of this goodness and I remember.

I remember that life with Him, although not without trials, is good.

And I am forever thankful.

Linking today with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday.


Stephanie said...

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thank you! :)

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