Thursday, October 25, 2012

His Voice

My Five Minute Friday on: Voice

I know my past haunts. These hurts have kept me silent, convinced of lies. They held me captive in chains I struggled to break.

But there is a light that breaks through the darkness. It is God telling me I am His. He tells me I do not need to be afraid.

Speaking it aloud encourages, heals. Lets others know they are not alone.

His voice makes me unafraid.

His voice tells me I am beautiful, forgiven, and free.

His voice reminds me -- I am His.

Linking with Lisa-Jo...


  1. "God telling me I am His. He tells me I do not need to be afraid." Brilliant! Now I just need to remember each day.

  2. Beautiful, forgiven, and free. Yes! Amen to that! A beautiful piece of writing for Five Minute Friday.

  3. Thank you for being His mouthpiece to communicate these truths to my heart today. His voice reminds me that I am His. So needed this reminder.

  4. Worthy of the Allume open mic. So glad we met :)

  5. Thank you all! It was great spending time with you, Michele, at the Allume conference! You'll have to give FMF another try!


A heartfelt thank you for sharing your thoughts, encouragement, and feedback with me!