Did you know?
1. I never had a permanent address until I got married. My Dad worked at the Morris Arboretum in Chestnut Hill, PA. As part of his job we got to stay in a house on the grounds. It was an awesome place to grow up! Every weekend, we drove to my grandparents house in Doylestown (about 30 minutes away). I pretty much did that my entire life until I got married. When my grandfather died in 1989, we split our time between the 2 places. There were even days I commuted to school at Springfield Township High School from Doylestown.
2. When I was a kid I...learned ballet & tap; took piano, clarinet, and flute lessons (in that order); stopped playing flute in the band & marching band to join the chorus in middle school; played field hockey, basketball, little league baseball, softball, and swimming; stopped playing sports my junior year of high school to participate in choir and drama; took voice lessons sophomore year of high school thru college; joined our high school's thespian troupe and acted in every play (except for one) freshman year thru senior year; have been called "narrator", "Hodel", "Nancy", and "Angel" (among other things)
3. I only worked one summer in high school at a summer day camp. I was a junior counselor with the oldest bunch of girls. I worked at the same camp 2 summers while in college, but in the Outdoor Challenge area. It was definitely a "guy job" hanging from ropes, climbing trees, jumping off high ledges. Did I mention I'm uncomfortable with heights? It was fun, though.
4. I had an internship the summer between my junior & senior year of college in the Public Affairs Department at WPVI Channel 6 ABC (the news station in Philadelphia).
5. My family went camping just about every summer growing up driving as far west as we could get in 2 weeks roundtrip. I have been to almost every state in the United States except for Alaska, Idaho, Washington state, Oregon, Louisiana, and Georgia. I have traveled to Ireland, Scotland, and England (twice). I have also been as far south as the Bahamas. My parents took us to Hawaii in 2007.
6. I was engaged to marry my high school sweetheart on 4/17/97, but we were not married until 6/12/99. I was 23 years-old. I first met my now husband in 1st grade. We stared dating exclusively in the fall of 1993 (our senior year of high school). We'll be married for 10 years next week.
7. My Grandmother, my mother, my daughter, and I all have the same middle name.
8. I have gone to church my entire life. I grew up attending an Episcopal Church. My husband was brought up in a Baptist Church. Since 2003, Adam & I have attended a non-denominational church called Faith Church of Worcester (it's evangelical and bible teaching). Although I have believed in Jesus for as long as I can remember, I began a true relationship with Jesus after we started attending Faith Church. My belief became my own and I started living for Him.
9. I have never smoked and I rarely drink alcohol. I don't really like the taste of alcohol and because I drink it so infrequently, I have no tolerance for it. It either puts me to sleep or makes me feel funny. You can tempt me, however, with a glass of Sangria filled with fruit. Yum!
10. I love to look at old pictures and home movies (even if I'm not in them). I'm not sure why. My kids like to watch home movies, too, so maybe it's a genetic thing.
11. I had the same roommate for all four years of college. And she was a bridesmaid in my wedding.
12. I went to Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA (about 3 hours away from home). My degree was in Broadcast Communications, although I really just wanted to work for a video production company (and I did). Most of my classes were in the basement of the library. The year after I graduated they built a new Communications building with a TV studio and everything.
13. I joined a sorority in college...a professional music one. Even though it was not a social sorority, we did have some "hazing". My good friend, Emma, was my "little sister". She's the best thing that came from joining!
14. I have never broken a bone. I only have one cavity that I got after the birth of my son.
15. I love tomatoes, fresh flowers, a clean & freshly made bed, flip-flops, road trips, the color pink, and the beach.
16. I used to scrapbook all the time until the birth of my daughter. Having 2 kids takes up all your time. I'm trying to get Ellie's baby book done before she's a teenager.
17. Our best friends just bought the house across the street from us.
18. I have started to realize that my worst fears are irrational. What is the actual fear anyway? If the worst thing happened, we would have to go on. We would have to figure out how to live. And if we're in a relationship with God, He promises to not give us more then we can handle. Whatever does happen has a divine purpose.
19. I am a very organized, detail-oriented, planner. I like to know what to expect so I can plan accordingly. I am pretty visual. Is that why I like lists so much?
20. Before kids, Adam & I loved riding rollercoasters and going to the movies for fun. Now we rent movies and stay home. Oh, how things change when you have kids.